Sunday, June 8, 2014

Journal of Days, June 2-6

Monday, June 2
Two pages of Miquon (two pages of balancing equations and reminding ourselves to be patient with each other).  Finn finished up a lesson in Explode the Code by knocking out four pages; I insisted on good handwriting, so I counted that as handwriting.  We then introduced China as our new cultures study. Finn already knew where it is on the map, so we got down to business by reading applicable portions of Material World, Where Children Sleep and Hungry Planet.  Next time I am going to pre-read and take notes; I didn't want to read the entire portions of the books, but there were some interesting, relevant facts and it takes to long for me to skim them while the children are sitting there ready for their 'story.'  I must remember to do that!  Anyhow, we were interested in the Chinese food and noted in particular that one family, who suffered poverty and hunger in the past, and who live in the country, eat beautifully now with abundant rice, vegetables and meats. We spent a couple of hours outside--mostly sitting on my aunt and uncle's patio--I read a book and talked to my cousin, who was digging a trench for a water line, and the children played with toys my aunt keeps on the porch for them. Bedtime story: The Boxcar Children (The Woodshed Mystery).

Tuesday, June 3
This morning we did 3 pages of Miquon, including a game that the 3 year old played with us.  Then we did some reading (reviewing the -ie sound as in piece) and I gave Finn 2 words and told him to write two sentences.  The words were field and who. Then he read two Mouse Tales aloud to me and I read a chapter of CHOW--the chapter on the Spartans.  Finn drew a picture narration of it featuring the Spartan boys getting trained to be soldiers.  We decided life in Sparta would not have been for us, as we are more Athenian in our love of art and beauty. We do admire the Spartans for their discipline, however, and agreed that a balance of discipline and pleasure is best.  Finn's art lesson was in the afternoon, followed by errand-running (farmers' market, office supply store, fetching betta drops from the pet store, etc).  We listened to Beatrix Potter stories on our way around the city.  Finn's particular request today was "Ginger and Pickles."  I tried to get out of listening to the "Tale of Mr Tod" but he wanted to hear it. I get so anxious every time....although I know it ends well.

Wednesday, June 4
We did Miquon and ETC. We read about India, just for fun (Finn's request). Woodshed Mystery at bedtime.

Thursday, June 5
We did some Miquon, which felt a little painful.  I did some weeding and Finn worked on building his lake. Later in the day he narrated an Aesop's fable, we read Emily, read several more fables, read one chapter life of Fred (more math!), read Demi's The Empty Pot (twice). Took a walk. Much anticipation for weekend guests.....

I notice Finn engaging more and more with books in his spare time, especially Material World.

Friday, June 6
Weekend guests are here!  Resistance is futile!  We worked on a page of Miquon.  Finn was having some issues with balancing equations, so I backed off the worksheet and spent time just working with him on simple equations on the dry erase board.  Stuff like 2+4 = 9-X.  This seemed to click, which made us both happy.  He gets it, but the execution of a problem sometimes feels overwhelming to him.  I wrote a story for him to read to me using OPGTR lesson, and then he read a Frog and Toad story aloud to me (very well, I might add).  Then I set him loose to play and enjoy his last day being 6 years old! We did take a walk in the afternoon together and enjoyed some beautiful weather.

The weekend was full and so busy.  Houseguests, five hours at a winery celebrating dear friends' anniversary, Finn's birthday party that evening, church and potluck on Sunday, then friends' potluck on Sunday evening (with live music, no less!).  I have some laundering, cleaning and grocerying to do on Monday, and we are also attending an event in the evening, so I'm planning to stick with the basics!

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