Sunday, June 29, 2014

Planning Year Two

Our break has been a rich blessing for me, let me tell you.  I'm bathroom-painting, friends-hosting, pool-going, tea-drinking, band-listening....and lesson-planning.

After nearly 6 hours of work today I've finally settled on our basic outline for next year, created a chart/checklist for our first term, and found enough room in our schedule (I hope!) to implement all these great plans.

I'm a traditionalist--we won't start school until the day after Labor Day, although we'll pick up on some light summer work in a couple of weeks.

The primary sources I've used in my planning this year are:

*Ambleside Online
*Charlotte Mason Help
*KONOS Unit Studies Curriculum (I bought a used copy of Volume 1 from a local lady)

The approach I've cobbled together for the upcoming year is primarily based on Ambleside's Year 1 (we did a few of those books last year; last year I relied more heavily on Charlotte Mason Help's curriculum suggestions).  Ambleside's curriculum is not for the faint of heart, so the "years" don't necessarily correspond to traditional grades.  We are going to try some of the more difficult selections for Year 1 and see how we do--taking it slow and steady!

I've also planned an 8-week unit study for the first 8 weeks of school. I'll then take a break and may pick back up with another unit study in early 2015.  I decided to try out KONOS because it contains a vast array of activity choices for children of varying ages.  This will allow Annie and Finn to work two days a week on similar hands-on learning activities. I'm planning to do KONOS on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. I have purposefully chosen simple activities that use household objects and that don't look stressful to implement.  I'm excited--this is more 'fun' than 'school' and I think both of my children will enjoy it.

Back to summer break.....did I mention late-sleeping, fruit-eating, vegetable-harvesting.......?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Break!

We are taking a break from school.

No one is more surprised by this than I am, but my husband suggested it.  "Take a month off," he urged. "You need a break as much as anyone else."

I do? Right! I do!

Actually Finn may be the most surprised of all. "A break?" he asked incredulously, eyeing me as though I'd lost my mind.  Then a smile.  "Okay!" Then he ran off to do what he's been doing for three days, which is play with sister-create costumes for playmobil characters-draw-go to sculpting class-run around outside-work on building a trail at his little lake-etc.

I am going to see how the pace of this break goes, how I feel; I'm considering a full month off of anything formal, but still doing reading aloud and math games.  After a month, we may pick back up, or I may do a modified summer school.  I made a list on the dry erase board of what I think that would entail:

*Math via games and maybe Khan Academy
*no formal phonics, just reading aloud and working together through readers
*lots of literature reading aloud!

And, of course, art: a few weeks of sculpting followed by a few weeks of pen-and-ink.

We also plan to do library programs, possibly a program for Annie at the art museum, and some field trips.

I could see us doing this modified schedule through August, then settling into a more formal routine in the fall.

What do I do with a break?  I almost immediately decided not to tackle the many painting projects that need to be done here (baseboards, one room of trimwork, shutters, etc.) We're outsourcing that! So I think my primary goals will be to stain our new playground set, help my husband finish our master bathroom (it is currently ripped out), and do some purging and reorganizing in the schoolroom and in the children's rooms.  That seems like plenty!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Journal of Days, 6/9-6/13

We took Monday off.  I desperately needed to get groceries, make some food and start laundering. I also started a nutritional cleanse and was just headachey and tired, and there was some anxiety over an issue with a relative.  I spent an hour or so in bed trying to recover. And I went to bed EARLY.  Taking to my bed and keeping things low-key helped; I recovered!

Tuesday, June 10
Finn woke with a cough and fever, but seemed to feel okay.  So we did a little school. He did two pages in Explode the Code, 15 minutes of math work (I created problems on the whiteboard and let him solve for the unknown--he did very well), and he read part of a Frog and Toad story.  He was wiped out by that point so we called it a day.  The rest of the day was spent on a short walk, doing some quiet outdoor playing, resting after lunch, and I even let the children watch a short movie!

Wednesday, June 11, Thursday, June 12, and Friday June 13
Finn was pitiful with a fever and cough, so we opted out of schooling.  Annie fell ill over the weekend, but I think they're all better now! 

I am trying to determine what our summer will look like.  I feel the need to do some changing, but I don't want to take the entire summer off...particularly from skills work.  I'm mulling this over and trying to determine what will fit nicely with our summer plans and my own needs. We'll see!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Journal of Days, June 2-6

Monday, June 2
Two pages of Miquon (two pages of balancing equations and reminding ourselves to be patient with each other).  Finn finished up a lesson in Explode the Code by knocking out four pages; I insisted on good handwriting, so I counted that as handwriting.  We then introduced China as our new cultures study. Finn already knew where it is on the map, so we got down to business by reading applicable portions of Material World, Where Children Sleep and Hungry Planet.  Next time I am going to pre-read and take notes; I didn't want to read the entire portions of the books, but there were some interesting, relevant facts and it takes to long for me to skim them while the children are sitting there ready for their 'story.'  I must remember to do that!  Anyhow, we were interested in the Chinese food and noted in particular that one family, who suffered poverty and hunger in the past, and who live in the country, eat beautifully now with abundant rice, vegetables and meats. We spent a couple of hours outside--mostly sitting on my aunt and uncle's patio--I read a book and talked to my cousin, who was digging a trench for a water line, and the children played with toys my aunt keeps on the porch for them. Bedtime story: The Boxcar Children (The Woodshed Mystery).

Tuesday, June 3
This morning we did 3 pages of Miquon, including a game that the 3 year old played with us.  Then we did some reading (reviewing the -ie sound as in piece) and I gave Finn 2 words and told him to write two sentences.  The words were field and who. Then he read two Mouse Tales aloud to me and I read a chapter of CHOW--the chapter on the Spartans.  Finn drew a picture narration of it featuring the Spartan boys getting trained to be soldiers.  We decided life in Sparta would not have been for us, as we are more Athenian in our love of art and beauty. We do admire the Spartans for their discipline, however, and agreed that a balance of discipline and pleasure is best.  Finn's art lesson was in the afternoon, followed by errand-running (farmers' market, office supply store, fetching betta drops from the pet store, etc).  We listened to Beatrix Potter stories on our way around the city.  Finn's particular request today was "Ginger and Pickles."  I tried to get out of listening to the "Tale of Mr Tod" but he wanted to hear it. I get so anxious every time....although I know it ends well.

Wednesday, June 4
We did Miquon and ETC. We read about India, just for fun (Finn's request). Woodshed Mystery at bedtime.

Thursday, June 5
We did some Miquon, which felt a little painful.  I did some weeding and Finn worked on building his lake. Later in the day he narrated an Aesop's fable, we read Emily, read several more fables, read one chapter life of Fred (more math!), read Demi's The Empty Pot (twice). Took a walk. Much anticipation for weekend guests.....

I notice Finn engaging more and more with books in his spare time, especially Material World.

Friday, June 6
Weekend guests are here!  Resistance is futile!  We worked on a page of Miquon.  Finn was having some issues with balancing equations, so I backed off the worksheet and spent time just working with him on simple equations on the dry erase board.  Stuff like 2+4 = 9-X.  This seemed to click, which made us both happy.  He gets it, but the execution of a problem sometimes feels overwhelming to him.  I wrote a story for him to read to me using OPGTR lesson, and then he read a Frog and Toad story aloud to me (very well, I might add).  Then I set him loose to play and enjoy his last day being 6 years old! We did take a walk in the afternoon together and enjoyed some beautiful weather.

The weekend was full and so busy.  Houseguests, five hours at a winery celebrating dear friends' anniversary, Finn's birthday party that evening, church and potluck on Sunday, then friends' potluck on Sunday evening (with live music, no less!).  I have some laundering, cleaning and grocerying to do on Monday, and we are also attending an event in the evening, so I'm planning to stick with the basics!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Journal of Days, May 27-30

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
(Monday was Memorial Day--we finished up standardized testing!)
Finn finished up his art homework and then did 4 pages of Explode the Code (I assigned 2, but he forged ahead).  We did 2 pages of Miquon together.  He read aloud from Mouse Tales, narrated an Aesop's Fable, and I read a little bit of Little House in the Big Woods. The children did a lot of playing with their hand-carved nativity set--a lady in our church found it at a thrift store and, knowing my children's adoration of nativities, she gave that to them!!  They coupled it with our wonderful resurrection set and played and played and played. Finn had art in the afternoon.  We visited the Farmers' Market and fetched a stack of books from the library....I've been gearing up for our next cultures study. In lieu of books on CD, we listened to Mennonite a capella hymns during our errand-running--so restorative.

Wednesday, May 28
We did a couple of pages of Miquon math, including Finn creating his own lab sheets to give to Daddy.  We did a lesson from the OPGTR.  Our morning Bible reading turned into a big discussion on Moses and how he was a bit scared, a bit reluctant when God called him, and how he found the courage and strength to do what he was asked to do....and how that applies to our lives!  We read one chapter of Winnie the Pooh.  Finn narrated an Aesop's Fable that he read himself!!!!! this was major, major! He is starting to read more and more--I'm so pleased.  Then we read a few more fables for fun.  Finn read a story from Mouse Tales and then I read two more.

Thursday, May 29
We had a fun day out attending a huge local book sale. I racked up.  Then we had Thai food and ice cream--treats!  Back at home in the afternoon we read a few of the many books I'd found, including Emily (ill. by Barbara Cooney), Tomten (Lindgren), and Madeline. Finn and I also read a book on building bridges, tunnels and other structures that he'd chosen at the book sale.  I enjoyed that one!

Friday, May 30
I had planned on a regular day, but my husband surprised me by staying home from work and sending me on a spa-lunch out-afternoon movie day.  Bliss.  He took the children to the zoo and out to lunch and then to a local festival with delicious ethnic foods--which he brought home for our dinner.  Very thoughtful and such a surprise!!

Over the weekend Finn spent a lot of time gardening.  He helped pull weeds, clear the garden, and continue planting.  Yesterday we went on a family hike and enjoyed hearing a great horned owl call; after the hike we went to dinner at a favorite local restaurant and enjoyed the outdoor venue and live music.  (Back at home the fireflies were glittering in the fields--thousands of them.  GORGEOUS.) This evening Finn gave me a tour of the garden--and he really knows what the plants are! On Sunday afternoon he and I played Muggins' Knock-Out game, which I'd bought at the book sale--it was SO fun!  So that was mathematical!  And tonight we all watched an episode of Cosmos together, because that's what we like to do on Sunday evenings.  It's a nice way to wrap up a day of worship, rest and wonder.