Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Year One

For my own record-keeping, I'd like to write what is up with us this year so far.

First half (fall through part of winter):

*Miquon Math (Orange book)
*READING: Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (very slowly), portions of Explode the Code
*Handwriting pages (just copywork)

History & Geography:
*readings in Child's History of the World and Story of the World (Vol. 1)(CHOW and SOTW)
*Part of Paddle to the Sea (geography)

*the poems of Robert Louis Stevenson
*Read-aloud: The Velveteen Rabbit
*Aesop's Fables (we use these for narration)
*some of James Herriott's stories

Art, Music, Handicrafts:
*art lesson once a week (outsourced)
*learning all of the verses of Jesus Loves Me

*Classical Conversations once a week (CC; used as a supplement and social outlet)

Our before-bed reading has consisted of The Child's Storybook Bible (GREAT!), Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories (borrowed from a friend; needed some on-the-fly editing),The Advent book (during Advent!) and the Boxcar Children (the first four books were a Christmas gift; I have realized that I need to do a LOT of on-the-fly editing of these books, which have cute plots and certain charming details, but don't rise to my standards of literature!) 

My plans for the second half of Year One are along the same lines, with some tweaks and additions.  We will continue Miquon, selected pages of Explode the Code, copywork and the Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. I purchased the Activity Book for Story of the World, so I plan to continue our readings in CHOW and SOTW and add some (simple!) activities for my hands-on boy (and our 3 year old 'helper').  Aesop is what we're using to learn narration, so we will continue those tales--we love them! We love RLS' poems and will continue those. Art lessons continue, Paddle to the Sea continues, James Herriott continues, CC continues. The next hymn we will learn is one of my favorites, For the Beauty of the Earth.

I hope to add in a few more literature selections and science by way of nature study, a few experiments using our Elemental Science book and a Pop Bottle Science Kit that we received for Christmas--and adding in some living science books.  I'd like for us to buy a microscope sometime this year as well. We do a casual orchestra study (we listen to a lot of classical music just as a matter of course). I would also like to add in some picture study, but I'm not sure I'll actually do it this year.  I would also like to continue some soap-carving and do one or two more handicrafts this spring--possibly something related to beads and also flower-pressing...once spring finally arrives! We have started Davy Crockett.  I may add in a few stories from Fifty Famous Tales Retold as well.

Academics are not the only focus this year.  We're also learning to be diligent with chores and learning to hone certain character qualities like self-control, attentiveness, and thoughtful obedience.  And *I* am learning to truly get into the rhythm of homeschooling and managing a 3 year old and our household.  The teacher is a work in progress as well! I am trying to be consistent with a tiny, basic routine (math, reading, handwriting after breakfast, teeth, getting dressed and quick chores) and then I add in the other things as we can, depending on what is happening during the day or the week.  This means we go rather slowly through some texts (like history) but this is a good transition-year as we ease into more schooling and I learn the ropes.

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